

The Comic Hero’s Journey: Serious Story Structure for Fabulously Funny Films


Turning the Zero into the Hero!

A comic hero or heroine also goes on a journey, but for the comic hero, it’s often quite, quite different. The hero decides to go on the adventure; the comic hero often has no choice. The hero has a wise old man; the comic hero often meets an idiot who inadvertently says something that can teach him a thing or two.

Steve Kaplan will show you the diverse paths that comedy takes in The Comic Hero’s Journey.

Meet The Author

Steve Kaplan has been the industry’s most sought-after expert on comedy.

In addition to having taught at UCLA, NYU, Yale and other top universities, Steve Kaplan created the HBO Workspace, the HBO New Writers Program and was co-founder and Artistic Director of Manhattan Punch Line Theatre.

He regularly serves as a consultant and script doctor to such companies as Dreamworks, Disney, HBO, Paramount, Touchstone and others.