Dorothy Fadiman

Dorothy Fadiman has been producing award-winning social change media since 1976. Honors include an Oscar nomination and an Emmy. Subjects focus on social justice and human rights and range from the light of Spirit in every faith (Radiance: The Experience of Light) to progressive education that honors children's natural knowing (Why Do these Kids Love School?) to the extraordinary healing journey of a woman with a spinal cord injury (Moment by Moment: The Healing Journey of Molly Hale).

She has produced several series, including a trilogy on abortion rights (From the Back-Alleys to the Supreme Court) -- and a five-part series on AIDS in Africa (Seeds of Hope). Her most recent film is STEALING AMERICA: Vote by Vote, which examines the integrity of a decade of U.S. elections.

Future projects include a documentary focusing on the disenfranchisement of Native American voters. PRODUCING with PASSION follows her career and offers specific suggestions, based on what she has learned, for independent filmmakers to use in their work as they find their unique voices through filmmaking.

Author’s books