

Talking with Spirits: Journeys into Balinese Spirit Worlds (DVD)

In 1970 the young filmmaker Michael Wiese arrived in Bali and was taken to a remote village by a Balinese painting salesman. He became the first Westerner to live with the Balinese in this village participating in temple ceremonies, playing gamelan, painting, and seeing shadow plays. The longer he stayed, the more he realized that he was not really ‘seeing’ the world where the Balinese lived. In that world, the Balinese spend half their life participating in elaborate rituals and ceremonies evoking the spirits of the ancestors and honoring countless spirits deities – both gods and demons – who influence our world.

Michael wanted to learn more about these dimensions awash with spirits and powerful entities so common in Bali but unheard of in the Western world, but after 40 years and many visits, little progress was made. Then, a breakthrough occurred. Bali yielded its secrets as trance dancers, mediums, shadow masters, priests and healers revealed the spiritual practices and portals to these sacred dimensions.

The result – a filmic treasure with many never-before-seen moments that makes us question everything we know about the nature of reality, consciousness and the source of creativity and inspiration.



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Meet The Author

Michael Wiese always had a knack for being at the right place at the right time and when that wasn’t the case, he enthusiastically created his own opportunities.

He was a producer, director, writer, and publisher with a substantive body of work. After being diagnosed with Parkinson’s, his search for healing took him from stem cell therapy to Amazonian plant medicine. His spiritual quests were documented in his films The Sacred Sites of the Dalai Lamas (Tibet), The Shaman & Ayahuasca (Peru), and Talking with Spirits (Bali).