

Getting It Write: An Insider’s Guide to a Screenwriting Career

Getting It Write will shatter all your excuses, and provide you with insightful revelations about what today’s Hollywood looks for and expects in a screenwriter.”  —Michael Hauge, author, Writing Screenplays That Sell


Getting It Write: An Insider s Guide to a Screenwriting Career is a comprehensive, no-holds-barred guide packed with practical advice to help hard-working writers prepare themselves and their work for the industry, identify available paths, and make the leap from aspirant to working professional.

There are plenty of books about the craft of screenwriting, and a handful about pitching your screenplay. However, little can be found on how to go from writing to pitching in the professional space. There is no formula, no three-step plan. Getting It Write unlocks pragmatic guidance for constructing a screenwriting career, delivered by a sought-after industry authority who works with writers both novice and professional. Never pulling any punches, the book aims to decode Hollywood, prepare the writer for the road ahead, and offer tangible avenues for screenwriting success.

Meet The Author

Lee Jessup coaches screenwriters in the application of strategic business approaches as they prepare for, navigate through, and emerge into film, television, and new media space. Lee’s clients include WGA members, Golden Globe and Emmy nominees, writers who have sold screenplays and pitches to studios and production companies, best-selling authors, as well as novice and emerging screenwriters.

Lee spent 6+ years as director of, where she spearheaded a national Business of Screenwriting seminar series sponsored by the New York Times Company. An invited speaker at screenwriting conferences in the US and Europe, Lee is a regular contributor for Script magazine and has been the interview subject for numerous podcasts, television, and web programs.